Even though nothing comes close to playing my acoustic drum kit in terms of, well everything really, my electric drum kit is an absolute essential practice tool. Quite often I get asked to dep for another drummer who can’t make a gig for one reason or another and quite often...
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The Day I Met Bev Bevan
...and didn't need any questions!
Earlier this year I had the opportunity to interview comedian Jasper Carrot for my local entertainment magazine. As I was lead backstage to meet the man himself his tour manager said, “I’ve arranged for you to have a chat with the shows drummer first.” Great I thought, always glad to...
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Product Review - Meinl Cymbal Tuners
An effective way to control those rowdy cymbals.
The new Meinl Cymbal Tuners are a step into the previously unexplored realm of cymbal dampening: until now the only options available to calm down that rowdy ride cymbal have been to slap on a Moon Gel and hope it’s still got enough stick left in it, or crack out...
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Traditional vs Matched Grip
Which is best for me?
We take a look at the history of the different grip techniques and how to decide which is best for you.
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